Monday, May 18, 2009

Let's pull an Obama & Have some change.

The blog is lacking! Miserably so, I'm more than sure you've noticed if you checked up recently. It's all this RL stuff that gets in the way. Been there, done that, and now I'm back! 
Hopefully better than ever. (:

So here's a burning question:
To restart, or not to restart?

It's been on my mind ever since I logged on and saw all these other blogs exploding with popularity. Should I start fresh with a whole new topic? A whole new blog, or just refresh SD Living? Help me out; It's your opinion that matters!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hot Hot Hot Buys!

It's that time of the month again...
The freshest batch of Hotbuys is arriving on the market! Kicking it off was the Bowtie Bag, Purple One Strap Dress, and now this adorable YSL-Inspired Safety Pin Shirt.

What better time to take you through Hotbuys history? Here we go!

Think back to a time long ago. Back to the prehistoric ages, before Starplaza, before the organized dressups, before the cute new Homepage. Here we are, back in November of '06. Good times! The first set of Hotbuys has just been released with excellent feedback. 

And I think if we look past the puffy Lifesaver vest and Little House On the Prairie-style sweater, we can agree that it was successful, correct? Sure. 
So Stardoll staff scratches their heads. They say to themselves, "Looks good! What can we do to feed the Stardollians' new hunger for Hotbuys?"
Produce more, of course! And they did just that, with the ever-popular Chanel bracelet and Charm pin among December's load. Now, I don't know if the December rollerskates were very much wanted, but okay. As long as we have our Hotbuys. 
And so it went for January. Shine and shimmer was in, and the Citizens of Stardoll were happy. February produced lots of pink, not to mention the much-adored Lip-Print hoodie. 
March '07 was probably the best edition of Hotbuys so far, at least I think so. With the adorable Fast-food shirt, the coveted In The mood For Love dress, that little heart bag that nobody knows about for sure, and numerous sunglasses, what's not to adore?
April and May kept the pace steady. With April's incredibly rare Jumpers and May's glittery gold kicks, it's not hard to find a Stardollian that's on the hunt for items from these months.
June was equally great. The only thing that concerns me was the June '07 model's facial expression.

But anyway.  Everything was golden.

But August brought a shift. "What was this?!" Crazed Stardollians questioned as they shook their monitors and wiped the foam from their mouths. A back to school shirt? A mossy-looking bag, some headbands, and a few nautical peices? The only successes of this month were the Adored DKNY dress and scarf. 

So everyone was a little confused. But, hey, we figured, it would all get better soon, right?


September 2007 brought us a big load of crap, to put it nicely. Among the depressing lineup were: A chunky pair of ugly Mary-Jane style shoes; rubbery-looking boots; some not-too-sad dangly earrings; a skirt; a cargo jacket; two tunics and a dress; a decent nacklace; and, big finale....

A Feather.

Thankfully, October brought more change. Small step, but still. October dropped the DKNY sequined and Maggie Chung dresses into our eager laps, as well as the DKNY sequin leggings that we all know, love, and want.
November had us seeing double, with the same HB as last month, and December brought a little crap and a little good fortune. A mirror, a hideous sweater and trench coat, an old lady skirt, a semi-pretty gown, an unflattering hair color of powder-blue, a bag, a kiss shirt, and, wait for it, a chair. Don't get too excited there.
January, February, and March '08 brought crap, with the exception of the MKA gown and Miu Miu Dress. April re-released the corset, and introduced us to new crap that we'd never seen before. Still, please note the word crap. May: another re-release of the anchor necklace. As June fired up, the re-releases kept on coming, drastically lowering the value to any collectors. July kept up the pattern with only one buy-worthy item, a blue dress. August was no different, with only one item even remotely attractive. We thought it couldn't get worse.

Stardoll proved us wrong.

September could be called the Great Depression, for more than one reason. Numero Uno, nearly everything has a splash of black. And second, there was again, nothing too good.
October finally brought the much-needed upward change! After almost a year of suffering, the Stardollians were satisfied once again. November broke our hearts, with no Hotbuys to be seen, and December lightly splashed us with memories of the past months, by means of glitter, glitter, everywhere, and baggy Harem pants in a shade of brown that looked to bad to bee true. Or was that green? Who knows.

Around this time, LE emerged, pulling us out of any Hotbuys funk we may have been in. But that's another story! Because January was a new distraction. So glimmery the clothes were! Apparently someone found a new tool on their computer, and it had us happy for the time being. February continued the climb, and went straight into March, riding on success fumes.

So here we are, present day, and I think this month will be the best yet. Let's hope so!

By the way.. Did anyone notice how significantly prettier the models have gotten?

Just Sayin. x

Big Change of Face!

Hi guys! I know it's been too long. My schedule is so busy lately, I've only had the chance to post about once a week. Not only that, but does not seem to work on my other computer. But since I am able to get on Stardoll more often, I'm going to start... Drumroll please?... designing!
Since I don't have a head start in the gossip world, maybe I'll have a chance in the designing world. I hope so. I've already started to make some more complex designs, and here's my very first ever.. I call it Pretty Lady (:

I know, I know. You've seen better. But I'm working on it! Here's a sneak peek at some others that haven't been purchased yet:

Amy Winehouse

Katy Perry

And my personal fave, Little miss Scene Girl.

I'm working on making some more advanced designs too. They're all probably going to be portraits, unless I get a request for something else. Speaking of.. I take requests for designs.
That's that. Wish me luck (;

By the way; I'm still blogging about the usual. Just adding in some designs here and there (:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Slowing it down, a lot.

As you can see, I haven't posted for a while. It's because my home schedule just got a lot more hectic; I won't be able to post as often for a while. Obviously you may think, "Find another writer, don't be stupid!" and believe me, I've tried. But it's hard to find someone just right! If you think you or someone you know would make a great writer for Stardoll Living, please tell me. You can comment here, send me a message, visit me on Stardoll, doesn't matter! I just want to keep the ball rolling as long as I'm this busy.
Much love, and stay patient!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Antidote, the new LE


Antidote is like a newer, edgy version of LE: you have a series of expensive clothes, and once they're gone, they're gone. While it's not quite as expensive as Limited Edition, the clothes are just as cute, and well worth the price tag. When you try the clothing on in the store, if there are any of that item left, it will show you a count of how many are left. So hurry, before they run out!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The next big blog?

You probably remember The Female Dog- The girl who poked fun at just about every 'elite' on Stardoll. Well, she's back in the form of a blog! Dog Mag is a refreshing glimpse of the real Stardoll, just the way we've all thought of it for a moment, but never really bothered to post about. She pokes fun at anything and everything, from outrageous prices to members in hiding. What's not to laugh at? Every bit of it has a ring of truth. Check out Dog Mag at 

Retract the claws!

The other day, Burn Book Bitch posted some nasty remarks about undamyumbrella, including that she is a "bald 80's hooker", commenting on her unique sense of fashion and bold style, to which Kasia (undamyumbrella) replied,

For which I applaud her.
So, the claws are out! If these girls decide to bludgeon each other to the death with their high heels, who's side are you on?